
A business succession is always an individual case with individual peculiarities. We can advise you specifically on a number of core issues faced by both the successor and the former owner as part of an optimal and successful business succession.

Unternehmensnachfolge, Unternehmensnachfolge, Unternehmensnachfolge Business Succession

Your business succession is unique:

The process of a business succession usually has to all people concerned an unique character that requires and deserves the entire attention of both, the entrepreneur and the corporate successor. The business succession is therefore in our view, the most important and most difficult business task.

For you as an entrepreneur, it is important to secure and preserve the survival of your life's work. The company's expected successor, in contrast to a entrepreneurs, will not find a new company or "Empty field" that he can make to his own ideas.  The existing business is a living network of people, relationships and functions in daily economic life and not just a
selling property or a purchased item.


We support and advise you at the corporate succession holistically and comprehensively: 

We will discuss together with you the timeliness and the economic dimension of corporate succession, the control of ownership in legal and fiscal terms, and the question of a price or value due to a determined value of the company. With our network of consultants and coaches, we support you in succession-,  handover- and takeover - processes in all its phases and its entire span.


Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung