
Liquidity planning is a part of the operational financial calculation. It represents all the measures that are needed to ensure your solvency. Our common goal of liquidity planning is to support the management, control and plan the liquidity of your company.

Unternehmensberatung Mittelstand ++ Unternehmensberatung Kfz Betrieb ++ Unternehmensberatung Handel ++ Unternehmensberatung Automobilindustrie Liquidity Planning

Payment security by liquidity planning:

For your company it is of utmost importance that the liquidity is secured. Illiquidity is one of the most common reasons for bankruptcy, which makes liquidity planning and quality assurance a strict constraint of profitability pursuement. To achieve this goal, your company needs a meaningful liquidity planning, which will be implemented together with us through a
goal-oriented financial controlling.

We analyze your ability to pay your bills, so that any liability can be paid right on time. If this is not the case, your company's threatened for bankruptcy. Therefore, the liquidity of your company is the most important goal of your business management. To achieve this goal, you need an appropriate liquidity planning.



- Structural liquidity planning:
In the process of structural liquidity planning, we analyze the long-term liquidity in your company. This usually includes balance sheet structures or funding rules. Balance sheet structures are indicators that represent the relationship between debt and equity in your company. With these values ??we example your own financial strength. The funding rules
include indicators such as the balanced capital structure that displayes the relationship between equity and debt or the golden rule, which represents the ratio of equity and fixed assets.


- Ongoing liquidity planning:
In the current (situational) liquidity protection, we deal with the assurance of your current liquidity. We use one-or in-year financial plans as a tool for liquidity planning. Therefore, all cash flows of your business will be summarized to a total plan. The required values ??come from systems such as success and cost planning.


Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung