
The site analysis includes different types of analysis. Depending on which aspect of location is important, different priorities are set. The market-related aspects serve industry-, competition- and property analysis, but also traffic analysis, which are dealing with
accessibility concerns. Impact analysis however are dealing with urban issues, for example in relation to the compatibility of new centers and retail projects.

Werbeerfolgskontrolle, Werbeerfolgskontrolle, Werbeerfolgskontrolle Site Analysis

The site analysis - data about demand, purchasing power and situation:

Without a detailed market and consumer intelligence a location decision can not be made!

Through our research, we deliver you necessary knowledge and information. The information gathered will be supplemented by our own investigation. Personal or phone interviews with potential customers, suppliers, future competitors, local advertising associations and Chamber of Commerce can make valuable contributions.

- Requirements: Especially our catchment area analysis provides this interesting structural characteristics of households.
- Purchasing Power: The information on the local purchasing power. Attractive deals within levels could lead to purchasing power outlets.
- Competition: Which competitors are already represented? How and at what price is their product range is designed?

- Location: The traffic situation due consideration must be given the high mobility of the customers. Parking places are extremely important. What about the connection? Data from the geomarketing provides valuable information here.